Raleigh Massage

Bowtech Technique

Bowtech, or the Bowen Technique, is a non-invasive, holistic therapy that uses gentle pressure on specific points in the body to stimulate healing. The method was developed by Tom Bowen in the 1950s in Australia. Here’s a brief introduction to Bowtech techniques:

Philosophy: Unlike some therapies which apply pressure or manipulate the body, the Bowen Technique respects the body’s innate abilities to heal itself. It merely facilitates this healing process.

Moves: Bowtech consists of a series of precise, gentle “moves” on the skin (or through light clothing) over muscle, tendon, nerve, or other soft tissue areas.

Pauses: A distinctive feature of the technique is the frequent pauses between sets of moves, which give the body time to benefit from each set before the next is given.

Holistic Approach: Bowen does not target a specific condition. Instead, it addresses the body as a whole.

Flexibility: Bowtech can be used to address a myriad of issues, from musculoskeletal problems like back pain or joint pain to more systemic conditions like asthma or migraines.

Duration & Frequency: A session usually lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. Most conditions benefit from 2-3 sessions, with more chronic issues requiring longer treatment.

Relaxation: Many clients report a deep sense of overall relaxation during and after treatment.

No Forceful Adjustment: Bowtech doesn’t use forceful manipulation. This makes it suitable for people of all ages, including babies and the elderly.

After Care: Post-session, clients might be advised on certain movements to avoid, to drink plenty of water, or to take a gentle walk.

Integration with Other Therapies: Bowtech can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other medical or therapeutic techniques. However, it’s recommended to avoid mixing with other therapies in the same session.

It’s essential to consult with a certified Bowen Technique practitioner if you’re considering this treatment. They can offer tailored advice and ensure that the technique is applied safely and effectively.

What is the difference between bowtech technique and Bowen therapy

Bowtech Technique and Bowen Therapy refer to the same modality. The terms are often used interchangeably.

Here’s the breakdown:

Bowen Therapy: This is the general term for the therapeutic technique developed by Tom Bowen in Australia during the 1950s. It’s a holistic, non-invasive therapy that uses gentle pressure on specific points in the body to stimulate healing and relieve various ailments.

Bowtech: This is short for “Bowen Technique.” “Bowtech” is the registered trademark and the official name used by the original Bowen training organization in Australia. This organization is responsible for teaching and promoting the method in its form closest to how Tom Bowen practiced it.

In essence, both terms refer to the same therapeutic method, though “Bowtech” is more specific to the training and teachings of the original organization.

What’s the difference between Bowtech techniques and Rolfing?

Bowtech (Bowen Technique) and Rolfing are both bodywork therapies, but they have different approaches, philosophies, and techniques. Here’s a breakdown of the main differences:

Origin and History:

Bowtech (Bowen Technique): Developed by Tom Bowen in Australia during the 1950s. It’s a holistic, gentle form of bodywork that stimulates the body’s innate healing abilities.

Rolfing: Also known as Structural Integration, Rolfing was developed by Dr. Ida Rolf in the mid-20th century. It focuses on realigning the body’s connective tissue (fascia) to restore postural balance and ease movement.


Bowtech: Involves a series of gentle “moves” on the skin or through light clothing over muscle, tendon, nerve, or other soft tissue areas. Pauses between sets of moves are integral to allow the body to process and respond.

Rolfing: Involves deep tissue manipulation and movement education. The primary focus is on the fascia, aiming to release tension and bring the body into a more upright and balanced alignment.


Bowtech: It operates on the principle of the body’s inherent ability to heal and balance itself. The technique is meant to stimulate this natural process.

Rolfing: Believes that due to trauma, habits, and life circumstances, the body’s fascia can become tight and misaligned. This misalignment can lead to discomfort, pain, and postural issues. Rolfing aims to realign the body, leading to better balance, posture, and ease of movement.


Bowtech: Sessions are usually shorter, lasting from 30 minutes to an hour. The frequency and number of sessions depend on the individual and the condition being treated.

Rolfing: It’s typically structured as a series of 10 sessions, each focusing on a different part of the body or aspect of posture and alignment. Each session lasts about an hour or more.


Bowtech: Known for its gentleness and is non-invasive.

Rolfing: Can be intense due to its deep tissue work. Some individuals might find it uncomfortable, especially during the initial sessions.

Both therapies have their proponents and can be effective for different issues or conditions. If you’re considering either method, it’s essential to research and possibly consult with practitioners to determine which might be the best fit for your needs.

Compare bowtech techniques and massage

Bowtech (Bowen Technique) and massage therapy are both bodywork modalities that address tension, pain, and various physical conditions, but they have different approaches, techniques, and philosophies. Here’s a comparison of the two:

Primary Focus:

Bowtech: Aims to stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms by targeting specific points on the body. It focuses on the whole body, considering both physical and energetic aspects.

Massage: Primarily works on the soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments, to relax tension, increase circulation, and promote relaxation.


Bowtech: Uses specific sets of rolling-type moves on precise points over muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Pauses between sets of moves are integral to the technique, allowing the body to respond.

Massage: Utilizes a variety of strokes, including kneading, friction, tapping, and stretching, depending on the type of massage being given (e.g., Swedish Massage, deep tissue massage, shiatsu).

Session Structure:

Bowtech: Sessions can be shorter, often between 30 minutes to an hour. They are also less frequent, with some people needing only 2-3 sessions for certain conditions.

Massage: Typically lasts between 30 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on the client’s preference and the type of massage. Some people get massages regularly (e.g., weekly or monthly) for maintenance and relaxation.


Bowtech: Usually performed through light clothing.

Massage: Typically requires the client to undress to their level of comfort, using draping techniques for modesty.


Bowtech: Aims to bring balance to the body and stimulate its innate healing abilities. It addresses both specific conditions and the body as a whole.

Massage: Primarily targets muscle relaxation, increased circulation, and stress relief. Some specialized massage techniques might also address specific conditions or injuries.


Bowtech: Operates on the principle of the body’s inherent ability to heal and balance itself. It is considered more holistic and might address both physical and energetic imbalances.

Massage: Focuses on the physical aspect of well-being, though certain types like Thai massage or Shiatsu also consider energetic pathways.

Both Bowtech and massage therapy can offer significant benefits, depending on the individual’s needs and preferences. Some might find Bowtech beneficial for particular conditions, while others might prefer the direct muscle work and relaxation offered by massage therapy.