Raleigh Massage

Bowen therapy

Bowen Therapy , also known as the Bowen Technique, is a type of gentle, hands-on soft tissue manipulative therapy that aims to promote healing, pain relief, and balance in the body. Here’s a brief introduction:

Origins: Bowen Therapy was developed by Tom Bowen in Australia during the 1950s. It has since grown in popularity worldwide.

Technique: The therapy involves the therapist using their fingers or thumbs to make rolling-type movements over specific muscles, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissue. These movements are intended to stimulate the body’s autonomic nervous system to rebalance and bring about self-healing.

Breaks: A distinguishing feature of Bowen Therapy is the frequent pauses between sets of movements. These breaks allow the body to respond and integrate the effects of the treatment.

Holistic Approach: The Bowen Technique is based on the principle that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. The therapy does not target a specific condition, but rather aims to treat the body as a whole to restore balance.

Uses: It is used to treat various conditions including musculoskeletal issues like back pain, sciatica, and neck pain, as well as respiratory, digestive, and other systemic conditions.

Safety: Generally, the Bowen Technique is considered safe. However, as with any therapy, it’s essential to consult a qualified practitioner and inform them of any medical conditions or concerns you may have.

Training: Bowen therapists usually undergo specialized training to become certified. This training ensures they understand the anatomy, physiology, and specific techniques related to the therapy.

Remember, while many individuals have found relief with Bowen Therapy, it’s essential to approach any alternative therapy with an open mind, yet with caution. Always consult with your primary healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment or therapy.

Techniques of Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy, or the Bowen Technique, consists of a series of specific sequences of small moves, each at a specific site on the body. The therapist often uses their thumbs and fingers to perform the moves, but the pressure is generally light. The moves themselves are distinctive to the Bowen Technique and are used to stimulate the body in various ways.

Here are some core techniques and features of the Bowen Therapy:

Skin Slack: Before the move is done, the therapist takes up the slack of the skin in the direction opposite to where the move will be done.

The Basic Move: The primary Bowen move involves the therapist’s thumb or fingers pulling the skin slack, applying gentle pressure to the targeted tissue, and then making a rolling move over the muscle or tendon. This movement challenges the underlying tissue and is designed to stimulate the nervous system.

Resets: After a series of moves, the therapist will often leave the room for a few minutes, allowing the body to ‘reset’ and start the process of

Procedure Sequences: Bowen Therapy has a set of procedures designed for different parts of the body (e.g., lower back, neck, shoulders). A therapist will choose a combination of these procedures based on the client’s symptoms and needs.

Depth of Move: The pressure applied is generally light, especially when compared to techniques like deep tissue massage. However, depending on the area and the issue at hand, the therapist might use more profound or more delicate moves.

Integrated Breathing: In some Bowen sessions, the therapist might ask the client to engage in specific breathing patterns. This can aid in relaxation and further the effectiveness of the therapy.

Duration and Frequency: Typically, Bowen sessions last about 30 minutes to an hour. The number of sessions a person needs can vary. Some might find relief after one session, while others might need multiple appointments.

Flexibility: While there are standard procedures in Bowen Therapy, it’s adaptable. Therapists might use different sequences or combine moves based on individual needs.

Referral Patterns: Sometimes, a move in one area can affect a distant part of the body. Bowen therapists understand these referral patterns and can address root issues that might not be immediately obvious based on the presenting symptoms.

Post-session Recommendations: Clients might be advised to drink plenty of water, take a gentle walk, or avoid other forms of bodywork for a specific period after a session to maximize the therapy’s effectiveness.

As always, the specific techniques and approaches can vary based on the therapist’s training and the needs of the individual. If you’re considering Bowen Therapy, it’s crucial to find a qualified and certified practitioner.

What is the difference between Massage and Bowen therapy?

Both massage and Bowen Therapy are hands-on modalities that aim to promote relaxation, alleviate pain, and support healing. However, they have distinct differences in terms of technique, philosophy, and application. Here’s a comparison:


Massage: Uses various hand techniques, including kneading, tapping, stretching, and friction, to manipulate muscles and soft tissue.
Bowen Therapy: Consists of precise and gentle rolling-type moves over specific muscles, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissue. There’s also a characteristic pause between sets of moves.


Massage: Pressure can vary from light to deep, depending on the type of massage (e.g., Swedish massage vs. deep tissue massage).
Bowen Therapy: Generally applies light pressure and uses the skin’s slack to make its distinctive moves.


Massage: Primarily focuses on muscles and soft tissue. It aims to release tension, improve blood circulation, and promote relaxation.
Bowen Therapy: While it does address muscle and soft tissue, it primarily aims to influence the body’s autonomic nervous system to bring about balance and stimulate the body’s innate healing processes.


Massage: Sessions usually last between 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the client’s preference and the therapist’s recommendation.
Bowen Therapy: Sessions are typically shorter, often lasting between 30 minutes to an hour.


Massage: Can be done as often as several times a week, especially for specific therapeutic purposes.
Bowen Therapy: Often, there’s a waiting period between sessions to allow the body to respond and integrate the treatment. Weekly or bi-weekly sessions are common.

Integration with Other Therapies:

Massage: Can often be combined with other treatments or therapies in close succession (like chiropractic adjustments or physical therapy).
Bowen Therapy: Clients are usually advised to avoid other forms of bodywork for a certain period after a session to ensure the body fully responds to the Bowen moves.


Massage: While therapeutic, it’s often geared towards relaxation and immediate relief from muscle tension.
Bowen Therapy: Takes a more holistic approach, aiming to treat the whole body and stimulate its inherent healing abilities. The breaks between moves are crucial for allowing the body to integrate and respond.

Both therapies have their merits and can be beneficial for various conditions. The best choice often depends on individual preferences, the specific issue being addressed, and how one’s body responds to treatment. It’s always a good idea to consult with healthcare professionals when considering any new therapy.

Benefits of Bowen therapy

Bowen Therapy has garnered attention for its gentle, non-invasive approach and its potential to address a range of conditions. Some reported benefits of Bowen Therapy include:

Pain Relief: Many people seek Bowen Therapy for relief from musculoskeletal pain, such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder issues, and sciatica.

Improved Mobility: The therapy can increase joint mobility and improve the range of motion in some individuals.

Stress and Tension Reduction: The gentle nature of Bowen moves and the integrated pauses can promote deep relaxation and reduce stress.

Headache and Migraine Relief: Some individuals have reported a reduction in the frequency and severity of headaches and migraines after undergoing Bowen Therapy.

Improved Digestion: It has been used to address various digestive issues, potentially aiding in improved digestion and reducing symptoms of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.

Respiratory Benefits: Some people with respiratory conditions, such as asthma, have reported improved breathing and reduced symptoms.

Sleep Improvement: Due to its relaxing nature and potential to address underlying issues, Bowen Therapy might improve sleep quality for some individuals.

Lymphatic Drainage: The therapy can potentially stimulate lymphatic circulation, which might help in detoxification and reduce swelling or lymphedema in some cases.

Neurological Benefits: It’s believed that Bowen Therapy can influence the autonomic nervous system, helping to balance the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) systems.

Injury Recovery: By promoting circulation and balancing the body, Bowen Therapy might support faster recovery from injuries.

Holistic Health: The therapy takes a whole-body approach, aiming not just to treat specific symptoms but to promote overall well-being.

Suitable for All Ages: From infants to the elderly, Bowen Therapy’s gentle nature makes it suitable for people of all ages.

It’s essential to note that while many people have experienced these benefits, individual responses can vary. Furthermore, scientific research on Bowen Therapy is still in its early stages, and while there are many anecdotal reports of its effectiveness, more rigorous studies are needed to establish its efficacy conclusively. Always consult with a healthcare professional before trying a new therapy.