
What is Shirodhara?

Shirodhara is an ancient Ayurvedic healing practice that has been used for centuries in India. The name “Shirodhara” comes from the Sanskrit words “shiro” (head) and “dhara” (flow). It is a form of therapy that involves gently pouring liquids, usually oils, over the forehead (specifically the ‘third eye’). Here are some key points about Shirodhara: Purpose: The…

magical hands on the body for shiatsu massage

What is Shiatsu Massage?

Or Shiatsu massage—perhaps you have heard of it, but do you know what it is? Allow me to simplify the explanation for you and help you understand what makes this form of massage so special. Shiatsu is more than just another style of massage; it’s a distinctive methodology born from Japanese healing traditions. Let’s explore…