Lomi Lomi massage

Everything You Know About Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi massage, also known simply as “Lomi,” is a traditional Hawaiian massage therapy that employs a combination of massage techniques, nut oils, and sometimes elements of prayer, breathing, and dance to restore energy and soothe the body. It’s often termed the “loving hands” massage because of the unique flowing strokes made with the therapist’s…

What is Reiki Massage

Reiki massage is a form of alternative therapy that has been around for nearly a century. It originates from Japan and has grown in popularity worldwide, especially in Western countries. Here’s an overview of Reiki: 1. Origins: Reiki is a Japanese word that can be broken down into two parts: “Rei” meaning “spiritual” or “sacred”…

What is chair massage

Chair massage, also known as seated massage, is a style of massage therapy that is performed while the client is fully clothed and seated in a specially designed chair. The massage chair supports the forward-leaning body, allowing the therapist to access the back, shoulders, neck, head, and sometimes the arms and hands. Here’s a comprehensive…


Everything You Need to Know About Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy, also known as water therapy, is a therapeutic practice that involves the use of water in various forms to promote health, alleviate pain, and aid in the rehabilitation of injuries. This ancient practice has been used across different cultures and civilizations for centuries due to its many potential benefits. Hydrotherapy utilizes the properties of…


Everything You need to Know About Endermologie

  Endermologie is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure designed primarily to reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve skin tone. Developed in France during the 1980s by Louis-Paul Guitay, this treatment has gained popularity around the world. Here’s an overview of everything you need to know about Endermologie: 1. Procedure and Mechanism: Endermologie uses a device…

Gua Sha Treatment

What is Gua Sha

Gua Sha is an East Asian healing, particularly Chinese in origin, that dates back into the dim mists of history. For many years, Gua Sha has been one of the most commonly applied methods for restoring health and rejuvenation. Its name, when translated, implies “scraping sand,” indicating the nature of the scraping in this modality.…

Cupping Therapy

Everything You Need to Know About Cupping

Cupping is a traditional therapy that has been practiced in various cultures, most notably in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), for thousands of years. It has gained attention and popularity in recent years, especially among athletes and celebrities, for its potential health benefits and therapeutic properties. Here’s an introduction to cupping: What is Cupping? Cupping is…


What is Core Synchronicity

Synchronicity is a term coined by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung in the 20th century. At its core, synchronicity refers to the meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other than the probability of chance is involved. Here’s a brief introduction to the concept: Meaningful Coincidences: Jung developed the idea of synchronicity after…